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Quantitative Data Professional (f/m)


Job Informationen

One Agency


One Agency

Erstellt am


//Responsibilities Responsibilities

Best Canditate

Quantitative Data Professional (f/m)

About our client

Our client is a leading alternative investment specialist with USD 50 billion in assets under management and more than 400 institutional clients in 33 countries. An international team of over 350 professionals is responsible for managing a wide range of investment programs focusing on private markets, liquid alternatives and multi-asset class solutions. Headquartered in Pfaeffikon (SZ), Switzerland, the firm has offices in New York, Dublin, London, Vaduz, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney.

Your responsibilities

  • Build quantitative analysis and forecasting tools;
  • Perform statistical analyses on financial time-series data;
  • Develop proprietary predictive models using machine learning;
  • Automate standard business processes;
  • Implement scalable solutions and solve large-scale computational tasks;
  • Active collaboration and communication with all departments of our firm.

Your profile

  • University degree (master’s degree or higher) in quantitative finance;
  • International mind-set, up to speed with recent global trends in data analytics;
  • Excellent programming skills (C, C++ and Java) and knowledge of database design;
  • Experience with machine learning and data science platforms such as kaggle;
  • Analytic approach, creativity, and focus on details;
    Enjoy working in an international, focused and dedicated team;
  • High degree of self-motivation.

Your chance

Interested? Please do not hesitate to find out more about this unique opportunity and send your complete application file to

Über das Unternehmen

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

Ihr Chance

Quantitative Data Professional (f/m)

About our client

Our client is a leading alternative investment specialist with USD 50 billion in assets under management and more than 400 institutional clients in 33 countries. An international team of over 350 professionals is responsible for managing a wide range of investment programs focusing on private markets, liquid alternatives and multi-asset class solutions. Headquartered in Pfaeffikon (SZ), Switzerland, the firm has offices in New York, Dublin, London, Vaduz, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney.

Your responsibilities

  • Build quantitative analysis and forecasting tools;
  • Perform statistical analyses on financial time-series data;
  • Develop proprietary predictive models using machine learning;
  • Automate standard business processes;
  • Implement scalable solutions and solve large-scale computational tasks;
  • Active collaboration and communication with all departments of our firm.

Your profile

  • University degree (master’s degree or higher) in quantitative finance;
  • International mind-set, up to speed with recent global trends in data analytics;
  • Excellent programming skills (C, C++ and Java) and knowledge of database design;
  • Experience with machine learning and data science platforms such as kaggle;
  • Analytic approach, creativity, and focus on details;
    Enjoy working in an international, focused and dedicated team;
  • High degree of self-motivation.

Your chance

Interested? Please do not hesitate to find out more about this unique opportunity and send your complete application file to

Job id: