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IT Business Analyst Logistics and Production


Job Informationen

One Agency


One Agency

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//Responsibilities Responsibilities

Best Canditate

IT Business Analyst Logistics and Production

Über unseren Kunden

Für unseren Kunden, der sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und damit einen einzigartigen Mehrwert schafft, suchen wir:

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

  • Identify user requirements, consult internal stakeholders in terms of IT solutions, work out concepts and specifications, moderate workshops, configure and customize systems, take responsibility for content of test scripts, execute functional testing and support business testing, contribute to the creation of training documentation, provide trainings, prepare and perform data migration activities, enforce global process and system governance, adhere to GMP and quality policies;
  • Collaborate with infrastructure, process integration, development and authorization partners to deliver requested standard and or custom IT solutions. Manage external parties such as IT consultants and service providers in the context of project and system changes. Oversee their solutions ensure adherence with Lonza standards and guidelines;
  • Transfer new applications to the support organization. Delegate common incidents and problems to the IT support organization. Provide 3rd level support for complex incidents. Contribute to the resolution of critical / urgent incidents;
  • Actively contribute to the continuous improvement of Lonza custom IT business applications. Get familiar with newest generation IT solutions and advise internal partners on innovate IT technologies.

Ihr Profil

  • University (Bachelor) degree and/or equivalent knowledge through experience;
  • Intermediate experience in business applications projects;
  • Certification as IT Solution Consultant or Technical IT * Expert would be an asset;
  • Knowledge on system configuration and/or customization, IT project methodology, GMP system validation principles;
  • Fluent English and German;
  • Good understanding of the business processes and concepts being used, ability to effectively collaborate and communicate with internal and external partners (presentation and moderation skills);
    Team player, communicative, pro-active, self-reliant, self-confident, structured, ability to understand and deal with complex situations.

Ihre Chance

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Über das Unternehmen

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

Ihr Chance

IT Business Analyst Logistics and Production

Über unseren Kunden

Für unseren Kunden, der sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und damit einen einzigartigen Mehrwert schafft, suchen wir:

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

  • Identify user requirements, consult internal stakeholders in terms of IT solutions, work out concepts and specifications, moderate workshops, configure and customize systems, take responsibility for content of test scripts, execute functional testing and support business testing, contribute to the creation of training documentation, provide trainings, prepare and perform data migration activities, enforce global process and system governance, adhere to GMP and quality policies;
  • Collaborate with infrastructure, process integration, development and authorization partners to deliver requested standard and or custom IT solutions. Manage external parties such as IT consultants and service providers in the context of project and system changes. Oversee their solutions ensure adherence with Lonza standards and guidelines;
  • Transfer new applications to the support organization. Delegate common incidents and problems to the IT support organization. Provide 3rd level support for complex incidents. Contribute to the resolution of critical / urgent incidents;
  • Actively contribute to the continuous improvement of Lonza custom IT business applications. Get familiar with newest generation IT solutions and advise internal partners on innovate IT technologies.

Ihr Profil

  • University (Bachelor) degree and/or equivalent knowledge through experience;
  • Intermediate experience in business applications projects;
  • Certification as IT Solution Consultant or Technical IT * Expert would be an asset;
  • Knowledge on system configuration and/or customization, IT project methodology, GMP system validation principles;
  • Fluent English and German;
  • Good understanding of the business processes and concepts being used, ability to effectively collaborate and communicate with internal and external partners (presentation and moderation skills);
    Team player, communicative, pro-active, self-reliant, self-confident, structured, ability to understand and deal with complex situations.

Ihre Chance

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