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Senior CRM Solution Architect ServiceMax (f/m)


Job Informationen

One Agency


One Agency

Erstellt am


//Responsibilities Responsibilities

Best Canditate

Senior CRM Solution Architect ServiceMax (f/m)

Über unseren Kunden

Our client is a security service provider

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

  • You are responsible to design and realize, according to global business requirements, scalable technical solutions based on platform and ServiceMax product.
  • You build, test and deploy classes, triggers, lightning components, visualforce pages and ServiceMax functionality.
  • You manage web services’ API integrations with internal and third-party systems.
  • You cover recurrent topics like administration, customization, migration and 3rd level support.
  • You help to drive innovations around and ServiceMax and consult on new release features increasing the system capabilities offered to the business within a global template.

Ihr Profil

  • You have got a university degree in Informatics, Business Informatics or similar.
  • You have detailed knowledge of common integration methods through APIs (Web Services, oData, etc.) and a proven track record over 7+ years of development expertise in various projects for a similar business or consultancy.
  • You are able to quickly capture abstract business requirements, create a tailored concept and turn it into a comprehensive and proper solution.
  • You are familiar with the programming methods: APEX, Java, JSON, XML, SOQL, ANT, GIT and potentially HTML and CSS.
  • Ideally you hold the Salesforce DEV401 and DEV502 certificate.
  • Knowledge about process integration to SAP is an advantage.
  • You are a team player with strong communication skills and assertiveness. At the same time, you offer responsibility, proactive approach, autonomy and a good self- and time-management.
  • You have very good English skills and you are willing to travel up to 20%.

Ihre Chance

Grab your opportunity and send your application to

Über das Unternehmen

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

Ihr Chance

Senior CRM Solution Architect ServiceMax (f/m)

Über unseren Kunden

Our client is a security service provider

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

  • You are responsible to design and realize, according to global business requirements, scalable technical solutions based on platform and ServiceMax product.
  • You build, test and deploy classes, triggers, lightning components, visualforce pages and ServiceMax functionality.
  • You manage web services’ API integrations with internal and third-party systems.
  • You cover recurrent topics like administration, customization, migration and 3rd level support.
  • You help to drive innovations around and ServiceMax and consult on new release features increasing the system capabilities offered to the business within a global template.

Ihr Profil

  • You have got a university degree in Informatics, Business Informatics or similar.
  • You have detailed knowledge of common integration methods through APIs (Web Services, oData, etc.) and a proven track record over 7+ years of development expertise in various projects for a similar business or consultancy.
  • You are able to quickly capture abstract business requirements, create a tailored concept and turn it into a comprehensive and proper solution.
  • You are familiar with the programming methods: APEX, Java, JSON, XML, SOQL, ANT, GIT and potentially HTML and CSS.
  • Ideally you hold the Salesforce DEV401 and DEV502 certificate.
  • Knowledge about process integration to SAP is an advantage.
  • You are a team player with strong communication skills and assertiveness. At the same time, you offer responsibility, proactive approach, autonomy and a good self- and time-management.
  • You have very good English skills and you are willing to travel up to 20%.

Ihre Chance

Grab your opportunity and send your application to

Job id: