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Job Informationen

One Agency


One Agency

Job Type

One Agency

Erstellt am


//Responsibilities Responsibilities

Best Canditate

Tasks in a dynamic and future-oriented startup at the interface between science and business
• Attractive flexitime arrangement
• Mobile working at places where you like it
• A creative team that wants to shape tomorrow
• High level of personal responsibility and flat hierarchies

Über das Unternehmen

In several agile teams we want to further develop the existing system so that the ingenious, cognitive approach can reach a broad market. For this we need you, your experience and your ideas! SPRIND's goal is to create new leap innovations for products, services and systems from Germany that make all of our lives noticeably and sustainably better. To do this, we connect new thinkers from science and business, people with outstanding ideas, special expertise and passion.

Ihr Profil

Work closely with senior testers and other stakeholders to execute manual test cases, identify defects, and ensure the quality of our software applications
• Learn and apply testing methodologies, techniques, and best practices to assess software functionality
• Collaborate with development and product owners to understand requirements, contribute to test planning, and execution
• Document test results, issues, and defects with the test tools available and manually
• Develop test automation skills under the guidance of our senior testers
• Execute pre-existing automation tests, modify or troubleshoot failing ones
• Prioritize tests for automation based on experience with the application

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

Work closely with senior testers and other stakeholders to execute manual test cases, identify defects, and ensure the quality of our software applications
• Learn and apply testing methodologies, techniques, and best practices to assess software functionality
• Collaborate with development and product owners to understand requirements, contribute to test planning, and execution
• Document test results, issues, and defects with the test tools available and manually
• Develop test automation skills under the guidance of our senior testers
• Execute pre-existing automation tests, modify or troubleshoot failing ones
• Prioritize tests for automation based on experience with the application

Ihr Chance

Tasks in a dynamic and future-oriented startup at the interface between science and business
• Attractive flexitime arrangement
• Mobile working at places where you like it
• A creative team that wants to shape tomorrow
• High level of personal responsibility and flat hierarchies

Job id: 29162